The Origin of India Pale Ales

As your local brewery, it behooves us to educate our customers on the rich history of beer. And what better place to start than with our best selling beer style - the India Pale Ale.

Back in the 1700-1800s Britain had a large colonial influence over India. The sailors, soldiers and civilians at this time had a very large appetite for beer. The problem was that traditional beers would spoil during the long journey from the UK to India. George Hodgson was the first person to create a solution to this problem.

He began brewing pale ales, to accommodate the hot temperatures in India. He then realized that high levels of alcohol and hops would prevent the beer from spoiling over time. Adding more hops to a pale ale, that also maintained a higher ABV level, was found to enhance the beer over time! At this time the beer would gradually become paler and more refreshing on the journey and was found to perfectly suit the climate of India. This brewing style has only increased in popularity as time has gone on, creating the craze for an IPA.

Now go forth and impress all your drinking buddies with your beer knowledge! Preferably with a Twisted Pine IPA in hand.